Thursday 27 November 2008

Just blogged: The Business Impact of Social Networking -

Wednesday 26 November 2008

It's really time for bed isn't it?
Reading up on Multi Factor Authentication:
Reading up on Teryx Performance accessories:

Racing Around

Do you race off-road vehicles? If so, check out DragonFire Racing, a website that supplies a whole range of different parts, accessories and services for sand cars, quads and ATVs. They supply everything from teryx accessories all the way to motorsport DVDs and also have a great range of services.

I'll be perfectly honest, I'm not really into racing in a big way, but like anyone, I love watching a good race and it's amazing the sorts of terrains that ATVs can handle. Pity they don't show more of it on TV.

Make your software do all the work

If you work daily with databases you’ll know that there are certain jobs that you have to perform over and over again. This is where Database Automation comes in, which Wikipedia defines as “the automation of servers and databases respectively causing the reduction of database related tasks” which is pretty succinct and sums it up very well.

And this doesn't only mean tasks like taking backups. Activities like creating database, purging tables and running optimisation scripts can all the automated, but one must realise that this only reduces the amount of mundane, repetitive activities and does not eliminate the need for DBAs. The intention of DBA automation is to enable DBAs to focus on more proactive activities around database architecture and deployment.

Livecasting with TodoCast

Here's in interesting idea if you're a Videographer. TodoCast is a company that can provide you with a portable satellite and live video streaming system designed to bring digital video live over the internet. This can enable you to set up live event video streaming which can be used to build pay-per-view events, sponsored channels or even your own channel.

I thought that was a pretty cool offering as it means you can create your own channel and produce material from anywhere in the world. You could have a sports channel, or a wildlife channel or even one that just follows you around in a reality TV fashion.

Tuesday 25 November 2008

The Future of the Web?

One thing I love about the Internet is the ability to find just about anything you want and look up information about just about anything. It doesn’t matter if you’re after something simple like a funny joke or something exotic like Polaris exhaust systems, you’re bound to come across a website that has just what you're looking for.

I’ve been online for a number of years now so it’s great to see this new world grow, but one can only wonder what the future holds. Will the Internet one day turn into a huge neural net and become truely intelligent? Only time will tell.

Sunday 16 November 2008

Booo .. Twitter seems to be dead this morning

Friday 14 November 2008

Doing business in the Isle of Man:
Looking for NFL jerseys? Check out:
There's some great technology out there nowadays.
Neat: Automated OS Recovery:
Cool topic: Automated PC Repair -
Reading up about Data Center Automation:

Friday 7 November 2008

Using the Web on your yacht

An offshore racing sailboat. It has no superst...Do you ever wish you could make a living online? Well, if you could all you would need is a satellite internet provider and you could manage your affairs from anywhere in the world. If that were the case, you could get yourself a yacht and as long as you could earn enough online, you could go around the world and always be online.

In my case, it's more likely to be a barge .. but you get the drift.

Thursday 6 November 2008

Reading up about live video streaming services -
Yup .. doing lots of reading today ;)
Reading up about live video casting solutions:
Reading up on satellite internet services -
Reading up on Polaris Performance -