Friday 24 April 2009

Toys for the Boys

A John Deere 9420 tractor.Image via Wikipedia

I'm always keeping an eye open for toys I can buy for Arthur and today came across a wooden truck that's one of these John Deere toys. I've always liked wooden toys; I don't know if it's because I never had many when I was a kid; or just because the richness of their texture is so much more pleasing than a plastic toy. Anyway, this was a wooden truck, not quite like the John Deere tractors that the toys are named after.

Anyway, I think Arthur might have started outgrowing things like wooden trucks. Last weekend was spent playing with K'Nex and he enjoyed those tremendously!

A touch of Freud

Sigmund Freud was an Austrian neurologist and ...Image via Wikipedia

Sigmund Freud had many interesting things to say about people’s attitudes to laundry. Here is a quick test to see how you relate to it:

When watching your clothes going round in the tumble drier, what do you look out for?
A Jeans
B Shirts
C A Lab Coat
D Sex

What frightens you most about going into the launderette?
A Losing one sock of your favorite pair
B Putting whites and colors together so the colors mix
C Spiders
D Sex

What do you use to wash your clothes?
A Bold
B Persil
C Ariel
D Bio-Sex

When waiting for the washing machine to finish, what do you do?
A Walk away and do something else
B Stand and look at it
C Sit and look at it
D Lie down and do something else

You see a coffee stain on one of your shirts. What does it remind you of?
A Someone you know
B Coffee
C A butterfly
D Sex

If you answered D to most of these questions, then I would be most interested to meet you and discuss it at greater length.

Friday 17 April 2009


So, how are you with rings? I don't know if it's a guy thing, but I'm not really very comfortable wearing them. So I keep my wedding ring on whenever I can, but I can't really see myself wearing lots of other mens jewelry. I guess I'm not unique in this, but some guys just like wearing lots of gold and silver on themselves.

Now watches, I can wear all sorts of different types of watches. The one I have at the moment has a USB connection and a 4Gb USd drive. How cool is that?

Streaming online TV

Diagram of Streaming Multicast

When I’m looking for stuff to watch I check out OVGuide. It’s a collection of different streaming sites grouped by category and there’s always something good to watch, regardless of what you’re after. From TV to movies, from Sports to Sci-tech; there’s something for everyone.

So, where do *you* go for your online streaming fix? There’s YouTube, Google Video, Vimeo and a million other websites. Thanks to live video streaming services anyone can set up their own channel and broadcast themselves to the world.There’s are also a whole host of canned channels though and here’s a great way to find them. What’s your pleasure?

Oh for some more blogging time!

I’ve just noticed that I haven’t really blogged much over the last few days. Not only that, but my Twitter patterns seems a bit weaker than usual. So what has been up? Well, it’s a multi-factor reason starting with the fact that we were in the UK over Easter, spending time with family. I had Internet access, but was lacking the will to actually blog about anything. There’s also the fact that I’m rather busy at work at the moment. It’s all good stuff, so I’m not complaining, but it does impact on my blogging propensity.

I’m hoping that next week will be better. One can always hope huh?

Getting some free time

Love is in the air

Last weekend was Easter and we were in the UK, which was fun as we met up with family, but we didn’t really get to do much, so hopefully this weekend might be a bit different. In truth, I’m not averse to spending the weekend asleep, but I’m sure Arthur would love to get out and about.

Luckily, it looks like the weather is going to be half decent this time round, so we might be able to get some quality family time in the fresh air. I’m not sure if I’m ready to go out and buy some golf equipment yet, but I’m sure we’ll be able to manage a walk in the sun, whether it’s on a beach or in a glen.

Saturday 11 April 2009

Time to check out a trade show

It’s been ages since I’ve been to a trade show and I’m starting to miss the buzz. I’ve been to a number of computer ones over the years, and a few entertainment ones when we ran The Joke Shop, but it’s been some time now. The atmosphere is one thing I miss, I used to love walking around the trade show exhibits, taking it all in and just browsing around. I used to even enjoy walking around ones that sold things I wasn’t particularly interested in; just to see how their stand was organised and what ideas they would generate.

Ah, time to find one to go to again!